Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bulk Vinegar Suppliers

love does not always mean no forgetting the past eight

"Absence means forgetting "Jaime Prats

I should think in this short life has continued absence. And it will be when there is no return, as if for something no one is indispensable to the claims.

The Adrimar321 test and just complaints of lack of care for the disabled, struggle as she wears a flag burning, to the point that sometimes it feels hopeless and alone. Reading it felt that one reason he supported the revolution from the beginning was the certainty that patients would have the dignity they deserved. So it was difficult for a 12, also healthy, have awareness that justice would health, but what he did know, by abundant family experiences, is that a revolution must take the people of all the misery you can. As part of that kind of miracle that occurred in Cuba, especially in the first decade, for all these years of real effort, progress, errors and corrections, Adriana: I regret that since Cuba can not always help, as we would like to everyone who needs it. I'm relieved, a little, know that we have reached out to many, even far from our land, as evidenced by the tens of thousands of Cuban doctors who go around the world healing and relieving pain. I know that only lives a misery knows the exact weight of his cross. That's something I've always inspired respect.

Manuel A.
say you know I supported the Puerto Rican youth, but to continue doing so, that I have media power and you do not. Well I'll confess, my dear brother, that the only media power that I have right now I am sharing with you, as I do with anyone who exposes a cause which it considers just. All who pass by this blog-which according to their reports tend to be more than 2000 newspapers, you read, we read, we read. Maybe some, the least ready, just look what it says "famous." But I'm sure that most deeply, finds and feeds on a variety of reasons that this blog provides almost daily. So do not hesitate to support and will support university students to copy your / my beloved land of Borinquen. At this very moment we're doing you and I together, just by discussing it.

I've been catching up slowly. So I come to your desire to connect with the Five. For this I recommend that you contact with Rosa (Cuban Moth), which is an old fighter for the cause and maybe you can help.

Those who do not know, I wish to announce that two days ago started the International Book Fair of Havana, according to custom, after one month will be touring the island. With this show and have been twenty. Do you know more one million people, of the 11 that we are, they visit?

Finally something nice to say that I moved within each time we send a little message Catalina. Not only because it is the youngest segundacitera we could imagine, but because I love the girls and boys. I live all I can surrounded by children, which is the best way to live, learn new things or to give an overview of memory (which is not the same, but the same).


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