Monday, December 27, 2010


The Garden of the AECC in the charity market of Hotel Alfonso XIII in Seville

Days 20 and December 21 , The Garden of Lulaila was present along with the English Association Against Cancer in Seville in Market Solidarity organized by the Hotel Alfonso XIII .

Many nonprofit organizations gathered at the Hall Hispalis, offering original ideas for gifts at this time and with a united purpose.

Tolentino was there, representing the fight against breast cancer. And she joined the Faubourg Collection , with new colors of hats and new parts that were a great host.

All you passed by. To all those who lead you to Tolentino in the flip: THANKS.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What To Look For After Heart Cath

AstroCamp-Nerpio Telescope

Fans have distinguished M33 was the first light of Takahashi TOA-150 is the new telescope 15cm refractor targeting ortho apochromatic triplet has been installed in Astrocamp-Nerpio an observatory that is associated with remote robotic telescope network GRAS ( Global-Rent-A-Scope ). AstroCamp is the node network in Europe that also includes hostels in Australia (Moonrock. South Australia) and Latin (Mayhill. New Mexico. USA). Its robotic telescopes can be used remotely by fans around the world. (More photos on 2010_12_Astrocamp )