Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blood Pressure 158 Over 105

Astronomers at the Library of Knowledge

De 2009_12_14_BUCM

Sat: Giovanni G. Fazio (opposite the original manuscript.) Standing, from left. to right.: Jesus Gallego, Jiasheng Huang, David C. Koo, Paul G. Pérez-González, Eiichi Egami, Jaime Zamorano (showing the facsimile edition)

Aurora Díez Historical Library Marqués de Valdecilla Complutense University was the host of astronomers from American universities who visited the exhibition of "Books of Knowledge of the Stars" and had occasion to admire the jewel in the crown: the manuscript Los Libros del Saber de Astronomía de Alfonso X el Sabio.

More information on the BUCM Folio Blog Complutense

Virtual Exhibition